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Summary of drugs with expired patents in 2023
Jun 14,2023

The expiration of drug patents has a great impact on the application and project establishment of generic drugs.
Patent expiration means that drugs can be imitated. The expiration of the patent means that the safety and efficacy of the drug have been verified, and the registration application can refer to the research data of the original drug, the difficulty and risk of review are relatively small, and the probability of approval will be higher. Previously, 2-3 years after the expiration of the patent was the peak period for generic drug filings. Once the patent of the drug protected by the previous patent expires, the generic drug company will quickly start the research and development of the relevant drug and actively apply for marketing within 2-3 years after the patent expires. During this period, the number of generic drug declarations will increase significantly. However, if the research of generic drugs is completed before the patent expires and declared immediately after the patent expires, it has great advantages for generic drug companies to quickly occupy the market, and it is also necessary to select drugs with 2-3 years of patent expiration as the basis for generic drug projects, so it is necessary to monitor the situation of drug patents from time to time.
The following is a summary of drugs that will expire in 2023, followed by a summary of drugs with expired patents in 2024-2025.

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