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Компания FarmaSino была основана в 2008 году. Она является предприятием-членом международной группы "Цзянсу Хай Хоуп" (биржевой код: 600981), одной из 500 крупнейших компаний Китая. Farmasino в основном занимается производством фармацевтических сырьевых и промежуточных продуктов, красителей, пестицидов, основных химикатов, продуктов тонкой химии, пищевых и кормовых добавок, фармацевтических препаратов и т.д. Продукция компании экспортируется более чем в 120 стран и регионов по всему миру. Годовой объем экспорта компании составляет почти 200 миллионов долларов, а годовой объем продаж превышает 1.5 миллиард юаней.
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Exhibition Express | Farmasino participated in the 21st Russian International Exhibition for Equipment and Technologies for Oil and Gas Industries
On April 27, 2023, the three-day 21st Russian International Exhibition for Equipment and Technologies for Oil and Gas Industries (Neftegaz) was held at the Ruby International Exhibition Center in Moscow, Russia. Farmasino sent representatives to participate in the exhibition. The Neftegaz Exhibition is the largest and most influential oil, natural gas and petrochemical equipment exhibition in Russia and the Far East. This exhibition attracted exhibitors from all over the world. The participating professional audiences reached more than 30,000, which provided excellent opportunities for Chinese chemical equipment manufacturers to export the Russian market.
Tracing the Red Footprints and Feeling the Red Spirit - FarmaSino 's "July 1st" themed party building activities
In order to deeply implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, innovate the form of party building, and expand the learning channels of party history, the party branch of FarmaSino carried out the party history study and practice activities with the theme of "pursuing red footprints and understanding the red spirit" by means of field investigation and study. On July 1, on the occasion of the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the CPC, the party branch of Kaiyuan Pharmaceutical and its family members walked into the memorial hall of the New Fourth Army in Huanghuatang to observe revolutionary deeds and learn the revolutionary spirit. Huanghuatang was a battlefield where the Central China Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and the New Fourth Army were stationed for two years and eight months. In the memorial hall, one by one, weather-beaten items and photos carrying historical memories reproduced the historical picture of the New Fourth Army fighting bloody battles in Huanghuatang, allowing party members and comrades to take a valuable party lesson in an immersive way.
A brief analysis of economic operation of the printing and dyeing industry in the first quarter of 2023
As the "vane" of the global dyeing industry, after 22 years of cultivation of China's international dye industry, organic pigments, and textile chemicals exhibitions, it has now become an influential professional exhibition in the world. The exhibition is the first dye exhibition to obtain the UFI certification of the International Expo Alliance. It has been rated as the high -quality convention and exhibition project in China and the Shanghai Excellent Exhibition. It has become a must -have for dynasties in the dye industry each year. In general, in the first quarter, with the rapid prevention and control of the epidemic in my country, the stable growth and stability of employment and stable price policy measures were giving up, and positive factors accumulated increased. Looking forward to the second quarter, mild recovery will still be the main trend, but the recovery process will be affected by multiple factors.
The global pharmaceutical market in 2027 is 1.9 trillion US dollars?
IQVIA predicts in its annual global drug use report that by 2027, the global drug market may increase to $ 1.9 trillion. Analysts of the Health Information Technology and Clinical Research Organization predict that the COVID-19 vaccine and therapy may increase another $ 500 billion for this. Oncology drugs are the highest-selling therapeutic agent in the world. It is expected to increase from 193 billion US dollars in 2022 to US $ 377 billion in 2027, with a compound annual growth rate of 13-16%. Immunomic drugs are the second largest treatment areas of the drug market, and it may increase to $ 177 billion by 2027. Immune agents are drugs that can change the immune response by enhancing or inhibiting the immune system. Diabetes is the third largest treatment area and will also grow at a rate of 3-6% per year. Diabetes is a chronic and life -threatening disease. There is currently no cure method. According to data from the World Health Organization, there are more than 400 million diabetic patients around the world, and their treatment accounts for about 12% of the total global medical care expenditure.
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