Company News
Tracing the Red Footprints and Feeling the Red Spirit - FarmaSino 's "July 1st" themed party building activities
Jul 04,2023

In order to deeply implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, innovate the form of party building, and expand the learning channels of party history, the party branch of FarmaSino carried out the party history study and practice activities with the theme of "pursuing red footprints and understanding the red spirit" by means of field investigation and study.

On July 1, on the occasion of the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the CPC, the party branch of FarmaSino and its family members walked into the memorial hall of the New Fourth Army in Huanghuatang to observe revolutionary deeds and learn the revolutionary spirit. Huanghuatang was a battlefield where the Central China Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and the New Fourth Army were stationed for two years and eight months. In the memorial hall, one by one, weather-beaten items and photos carrying historical memories reproduced the historical picture of the New Fourth Army fighting bloody battles in Huanghuatang, allowing party members and comrades to take a valuable party lesson in an immersive way. Standing at a new historical starting point, we should profoundly study the glorious history of the New Fourth Army, absorb the spiritual strength of the "iron army" of the New Fourth Army, be loyal and patriotic, loyal to the people, and march courageously toward the great shore of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

On July 2, the comrades of the branch braved heavy rain to visit and study at the Zhou Enlai Memorial Hall and Zhou Enlai's former residence. President Xi Jinping pointed out: "Comrade Zhou Enlai is a brilliant star of the Chinese nation in modern times and an immortal banner of the Chinese communists. In the exhibition hall of the Zhou Enlai Memorial Hall, comrades learned about the life of this great man who was "serving the people, being pragmatic and incorruptible" through precious historical materials. Party members and comrades were deeply moved by Premier Zhou's glorious deeds, noble moral demeanor, and dedication to the dedication. While visiting Zhou Enlai's former residence, party members and comrades were deeply impressed by Premier Zhou Enlai's lofty ambition of "studying for the rise of China" when he was young. The house rules personally formulated by Premier Zhou Enlai embody the fine traditional style of Communist Party members. To fulfill the original intention of the mission, you can start with a good family style.

This themed party building practice activity deepened the mutual understanding of party members and comrades, enhanced the cohesion of the party branch, stimulated the party branch to further play its role as a fighting fortress in the company's development, and effectively transformed the learning results of party history into a forging force to help the company's high-quality development.

FarmaSino Co., Ltd. was established in 2008, mainly engaged in the international business of biomedicine, and its products are sold in more than 120 countries and regions around the world. With an annual export volume of more than 200 million US dollars and annual sales of nearly 1.5 billion yuan, the company has been awarded the "Top 10 Export Enterprises of Western Patent Medicine" by the China Medical Insurance Chamber of Commerce for 9 consecutive years and among the "Top 100 Chinese Pharmaceutical Internationalization Enterprises" for 6 consecutive years. In 2017, the company was successfully elected as the vice president unit of China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Medicines and Health Products. With high-quality products, advanced technology and high-end services, New Century Pharmaceutical makes unremitting efforts to promote the development of China's pharmaceutical industry and build an international biopharmaceutical enterprise integrating R&D, production and international trade.

     FarmaSino Co., Ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Jiangsu Kaiyuan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., providing one-stop technical services for the R&D and registration of generic drugs and innovative drugs, establishing industry-university-research cooperation with many universities and scientific research units such as China Pharmaceutical University and Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, and reaching strategic cooperation with Sinopharm Group, Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Group, Guobang Pharmaceutical Group, Dingtai Pharmaceutical Research Group, etc. In 2021, the company obtained the B certificate of "Drug Manufacturing License" as a marketing authorization holder (MAH). The company has won the national "high-tech enterprise" certification, CNAS laboratory accreditation, national intellectual property management system certification, established Jiangsu Province enterprise graduate workstation, and won the honorary titles of Jiangsu Top 100 Science and Technology Service Institutions, Nanjing Engineering Technology Research Center for Consistency Evaluation of Generic Drugs, Nanjing Engineering Research Center, Nanjing Credit Management Demonstration Enterprise and so on.

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