Industry News
A brief analysis of economic operation of the printing and dyeing industry in the first quarter of 2023
May 26,2023

As the "vane" of the global dyeing industry, after 22 years of cultivation of China's international dye industry, organic pigments, and textile chemicals exhibitions, it has now become an influential professional exhibition in the world. The exhibition is the first dye exhibition to obtain the UFI certification of the International Expo Alliance. It has been rated as the high -quality convention and exhibition project in China and the Shanghai Excellent Exhibition. It has become a must -have for dynasties in the dye industry each year.

The 22nd international dye industry and organic pigment and textile chemical exhibition will be held at the Shanghai World Expo Exhibition Hall on July 26-28, 2023. It is expected to exhibit an area of 50,000 square meters. The exhibits cover a variety of advanced environmental protection dyes. , Organic paint, additive, intermediate, instrument environmental protection equipment, supporting services, etc.

A brief analysis of the economic operation of the printing and dyeing industry in the first quarter

In the first quarter of 2023, the overall economic operation of China's printing and dyeing industry is under pressure. Production, with the prevention and control of the epidemic in China faster and smoothly turn section, the resident consumption scene to speed up the recovery, textile and clothing terminal consumption showed a mild recovery, endogenous power has been restored, the printing and dyeing industry production in general to maintain a stable situation, printing and dyeing cloth production scale and the same period last year basically unchanged; export, the industry shows a certain degree of resilience, exports continue a good trend, the main printing and dyeing products exports in the same period last year a higher base In terms of operation quality and efficiency, the poor downstream demand and the relatively high price of raw materials have led to the continuation of the decline in the main economic efficiency indicators of the printing and dyeing industry and the obvious pressure on enterprises' operation.

1, the production situation gradually improved, the scale of production fell slightly

According to the National Bureau of Statistics data, January to March 2023, the printing and dyeing industry above-scale enterprises printing and dyeing fabric production 12.491 billion meters, down 0.27% year-on-year, a decline of 7.83 percentage points narrower than in January to February. From the monthly output, in March, above-scale printing and dyeing enterprises printing and dyeing fabric production 5.826 billion meters, an increase of 11.37%.
In the first quarter, the production situation of the printing and dyeing industry gradually improved, January to February, the decline in production of printing and dyeing fabric continued to expand since the fourth quarter of 2022, the production situation in March improved significantly, the monthly output hit a new high of nearly a year, the cumulative production decline narrowed. Industry production situation improved mainly due to China's epidemic prevention and control policy optimization and adjustment, offline consumption scene to speed up the recovery, terminal consumption has picked up, the National Bureau of Statistics data show that in the first quarter, China's retail sales of clothing, shoes and hats, needles and textiles units above the quota grew by 9.0% year-on-year, an increase of 9.9 percentage points over the same period last year.

2, industry profitability is still under pressure, the rate of decline in efficiency has narrowed

According to the National Bureau of Statistics data, January to March 2023, above-scale printing and dyeing enterprises operating income of 65.336 billion yuan, down 4.18% year-on-year, a decline of 5.35 percentage points narrower than in January to February; total profit of 1.193 billion yuan, down 36.67% year-on-year, a decline of 52.62 percentage points narrower than in January to February; sales profit margin of 1.83%, down 1732 printing and dyeing enterprises above the size of the loss of 787 households, loss of 45.44%, an increase of 6.62 percentage points; loss of total losses of enterprises 1.461 billion yuan, an increase of 44.13%.
In the first quarter, the main economic efficiency indicators of the printing and dyeing industry continued to decline, the industry profitability pressure is still prominent, the industry loss surface is still at a high level, but in March, the industry economic efficiency showed signs of improvement. The main reasons for the pressure on the profitability of the printing and dyeing industry are: First, the complex international situation, the main raw material prices in the printing and dyeing industry remain high and oscillating, the cost of energy for enterprises is still high, the cost pressure on the production side is prominent; Second, the market demand is still insufficient, the price is not well conducted downstream to the industrial chain, and the operating profit of enterprises is significantly affected.

3, exports to maintain growth trend, the main product volume rose and prices fell

According to China Customs data, from January to March 2023, the number of exports of eight major products of printing and dyeing 8.008 billion meters, an increase of 11.60% year-on-year, the growth rate of 2.50 percentage points lower than the same period last year; export amount of $7.853 billion, an increase of 2.25% year-on-year, the growth rate of 22.64 percentage points lower than the same period last year; the average unit price of exports 0.98 U.S. dollars / meter, a decrease of 8.38%, the growth rate of 17.84 percentage points lower than the same period last year.
The main export products, T / C printing and dyeing cloth, human fiber staple fabric exports to achieve faster growth, the growth rate reached 272.76% and 19.68% respectively; polyester staple fabric export unit price rose 17.10%, for printing and dyeing eight major products in the export unit price of the only category rose.
The main export markets, China's printing and dyeing eight major products to RCEP trading partner countries and ASEAN countries, respectively, the number of exports increased by 6.62% and 7.23%, the export value decreased by 1.50% and 2.24%. In the first quarter, in the face of the development environment of contraction of international market demand, China's printing and dyeing industry exports still maintain a good trend, the main product exports in the same period last year on the basis of a higher base to continue to maintain growth, but the average unit price of exports fell significantly, reflecting the current industry export competition intensified.

Overall, in the first quarter, with China's epidemic prevention and control of faster and stable turn, the steady growth and stable employment and stable price policy initiatives ahead of the force, the accumulation of positive factors increased, the overall economic operation of the printing and dyeing industry to achieve a smooth start.
Looking ahead to the second quarter, a mild recovery will still be the main trend, but the recovery process will be affected by multiple factors. First of all, the current recovery of domestic consumption is not yet solid, the lack of domestic demand is still the primary problem facing the industry, enterprise efficiency improvement still needs a long time, the economic body's expectations and confidence to continue to boost. Second, the international environment is still complex and volatile, the global economic slowdown is expected to rise, the impact on the industry's exports will gradually appear, the second quarter industry exports will face many uncertainties. On the positive side, China's macro economy has been improving as a whole, the GDP growth rate in the first quarter exceeded expectations, and it is expected that the domestic economy will continue to recover and improve in the second quarter.

Source: China Printing and Dyeing Industry Association

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